From 'tradi news' blog:
OCTOBER 28, 2013
[Henri Saint-Martin - The New Man] The reform of the reform is alive
In his book The Mass at the location (Editions de L'Homme Nouveau Collection "Hora Decima"), Father Claude Barthe said - he said under Benedict XVI - that we should not expect the laws and regulations from above to make the reform of the reform, but it was rather to be from the priests in the field:
"the Reform of the reform is mainly in choosing among the various options open for the new missal. In concrete terms, it is the systematic nature of good choices that will reform the reform. "
A flowering of literature on the subject
A fortiori is this true under Pope Francis, where there is more example of the Roman pontifical ceremonies and their little nudges of reformers.
In fact, the new books in the sense continue under the new pontificate, eg father Giorgio FARE The formal rito del romano (Cantagalli, 2013); Daniele Nigro, I diritti di Dio. The liturgy dopo il Vaticano II (Sugarco, 2013, with a preface by Cardinal Burke).We can bring in this line, the little book recently published by Thierry Laurent, the liturgy of the Mass gesture after gesture. pastoral Comment of the mass in its ordinary form (Le Laurier, 116 p., € 10).
A preface by Cardinal Cañizares
Father Thierry Laurent, priest of the diocese of Paris, began his priestly ministry in the Diocese of Saint-Denis, and he has been appointed chaplain of the College Stanislas in Paris. With a strongly felt preface by Cardinal Cañizares, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship - "Father Thierry Laurent gave us a lot of joy ..." - he describes, analyzes, comments on each rite. And initially chose because as we know the new ordinary form liturgy is largely a la carte, in which there is no reason, however, to opt for the best:
"The church can begin by sprinkling holy water of all the faithful ... The altar is dedicated ... It contains the relics of the saints ..." etc..
With helpful reminders: "The reader is priority one established for it" (corresponding to the sketch is a cleric in his surplice). In the ordinary mass, which according to the illustrations, the altar is built on three steps, candlesticks are placed on the altar on either side of the cross, the mass is said before the Lord, the faithful kneel (eg, to recite the Confiteor!).
The Roman Canon
The altar is incensed at the beginning of the Mass and the offertory. The Eucharistic Prayer is also called canon (and this is the first Eucharistic prayer, the Roman Canon, Thierry Laurent chose to comment), including lists of saints, which are also optional.
"To show greater respect and greater worship, I can receive Christ kneeling on the tongue. (...) It is therefore recommended to receive direct me on the language, because this is the general rule. " The usual Latin words abound, as well as the parallel: "In the Mass in extraordinary form, it is still in the Mass ordinary form, the choice of celebrating ..."
The description of the rite is always followed by a mystical explanation taken in the comments patristic and medieval, which is perhaps the most remarkable of this pastoral work innovation.
Traditional Offertory
And as at the offertory, the priest prays "secretly like Christ in Gethsemane", nothing prevents him from using the traditional offertory prayers.
Encouraging the author, Cardinal Cañizares pushes "the young priests" to continue such work "against children", as it was obvious that only a new generation of clerics speaking to new generations of faithful can accomplish. If it is not necessary to say that this interpretation of the ordinary mass (as interpreting a text, a musical score and libretto theater) owes much to the boss that is the traditional celebration, it must be added that This interpretation recreates a vital environment extremely conducive to the development of the Mass in extraordinary form even within parishes.
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