"The Five Wounds of the Liturgical Mystical Body of Christ"

"The Five Wounds of the Liturgical Mystical Body of Christ" according to Bishop Athanasius Schneider: 1. Mass versus populum. 2. Communion in the hand. 3. The Novus Ordo Offertory prayers. 4. Disappearance of Latin in the Ordinary Form. 5. Liturgical services of lector and acolyte by women and ministers in lay clothing.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Christus resurrexit! Resurrexit vere!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
The strife is o'er, the battle done,
the victory of life is won;
the song of triumph has begun.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
The powers of death have done their worst,
but Christ their legions hath dispersed:
let shout of holy joy outburst.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
The three sad days are quickly sped,
he rises glorious from the dead:
all glory to our risen Head!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
He closed the yawning gates of hell,
the bars from heaven's high portals fell;
let hymns of praise his triumphs tell!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Lord! by the stripes which wounded thee,
from death's dread sting thy servants free,
that we may live and sing to thee.
Words: Symphonia Sirenum Selectarum, 1695;
trans. Francis Pott (1832-1909)MIDI: Victory (first three lines adapted from Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestria, 1525-1594; arranged by William Henry Monk, 1823-1889)
The strife is o'er, the battle done,
the victory of life is won;
the song of triumph has begun.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
The powers of death have done their worst,
but Christ their legions hath dispersed:
let shout of holy joy outburst.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
The three sad days are quickly sped,
he rises glorious from the dead:
all glory to our risen Head!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
He closed the yawning gates of hell,
the bars from heaven's high portals fell;
let hymns of praise his triumphs tell!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Lord! by the stripes which wounded thee,
from death's dread sting thy servants free,
that we may live and sing to thee.
Words: Symphonia Sirenum Selectarum, 1695;
trans. Francis Pott (1832-1909)MIDI: Victory (first three lines adapted from Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestria, 1525-1594; arranged by William Henry Monk, 1823-1889)
Commit to pray an extra 5 decades of the most Holy Rosary for the Holy Father every day.
'Pope Francis is very much imbued with the spirit of Vatican II. And unlike Pope Benedict, he appears less concerned with continuity with the past and more intent on moving ahead with what he still regards as the Council’s ongoing agenda. So there is cause for concern (see: “Could the Criticism Have Merit?”).
But we must remember that the grace of office has significantly changed the mindset and policies of popes in the past, with Pope Pius IX being a good illustration: liberal at the beginning, he quickly became a staunch defender of tradition. The best and most useful thing we can do at the moment is to pray for the Pope, as Our Lady told us to do. And petition him to do the consecration that is his — and our — only hope.'
Commit to pray an extra 5 decades of the most Holy Rosary for the Holy Father every day.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
" should not leap to the absurd conclusion that all things are licit to the pope; or that he may turn things topsy-turvy in the Church at mere whim. Possession of power is one thing; a rightful use of power quite another. The supreme pontiff has received his power for the sake of building up the Church, not tearing it down. In exercising his supreme power he is by divine law strictly bound by the laws of justice, equity, and prudence. These laws require that unless necessity or great utility urge the contrary, the pope should, for example respect the legitimate customs obtaining in various places, observe prescribed ecclesiastical laws, etc. These laws, even though they do not possess a binding power for the pope, do nonetheless normally have for him a directive power."
Msgr. Van Noort's, Christ's Church (1958)
"Poor Holy Father, we must pray very much for him!" BLESSED JACINTA OF FATIMA
Friday, March 29, 2013
My Jesus, hide my soul in Your heart as You lie in the Sepulcher alone. Let my heart be as a fire to keep you warm. Let my desire to know and love You be like a torch to light up the darkness. Let my soul sing softly a hymn of repentant love as the hours pass and Your Resurrection is at hand. Let me rejoice, dear Jesus, with all the Angels in a hymn of praise and thanksgiving for so great a love- so great a God- so great a day!
Read more:
Read more:
A Chaplain Abroad - Fr Bede Rowe: Why the Pope is Wrong
A Chaplain Abroad - Fr Bede Rowe: Why the Pope is Wrong: The Pope is not Jesus Christ. He can err and make mistakes. When he makes ex cathedra statements then that's a different matter. T...
Jesus Christ Shown by Pilate to the People
Source: THE SCHOOL OF JESUS CRUCIFIED, Fr. Ignatius of the Side of Jesus,
TAN BOOKS, with Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur, 189
Source: THE SCHOOL OF JESUS CRUCIFIED, Fr. Ignatius of the Side of Jesus,
TAN BOOKS, with Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur, 189
PILATE, on beholding the Redeemer of the world in the lamentable condition to which His executioners have reduced Him, imagines that His appearance alone must move the people to compassion, and therefore takes Him to the balcony in front of his palace, from whence He may be seen by the assembled multitude, saying "Ecce Homo."---"Behold the Man!"
1. The state in which Jesus is shown to the people.
1. The state in which Jesus is shown to the people.
He is so deformed and disfigured as scarcely to preserve the semblance of a man. His face is pale and bruised with the blows He has received, and defiled with the spittle---His adorable head is bending beneath the painful weight of the sharp thorns, which pierce His brow and form a crown of sorrow and ignominy---His torn, mangled, and bleeding frame is clothed with a garment of scorn and derision. He suffers in every part of His sacred Body, and His position is one of the deep est degradation. In this state of indescribable shame and confusion, the adorable Son of God is presented by Pilate to the people with these few words: "Behold the Man!" As though he had said: "Behold to what a condition the Man whom you accuse of aspiring to royalty is reduced! See whether He is not rather worthy of tears and compassion than of hatred!" And thou, my soul, attentively contemplate this Man-God, the King of Glory, overwhelmed with ignominy, in the presence of so great a multitude, His adorable Body streaming with blood and loaded with shame. He Who was the most beautiful of the sons of men, is now the abomination of His people. He has assumed so painful and humiliating an appearance to induce His Father to take pity upon us, and deliver us from the eternal punishments which we have deserved. Love for our souls, and desire for their salvation, have reduced Him to so pitiable a condition. But, on your part, what efforts do you make for the salvation of your soul which has been purchased by Jesus at so dear a rate? Are you anxious to guard its purity and save it from eternal misery? Or are you, on the contrary, willing for a mere trifle to sacrifice your right to that Paradise which Jesus has purchased for you at the price of so many humiliations and sufferings?
2. The feelings aroused in the hearts of the people by the appearance of Jesus.
The sight of the lamentable condition to which the most innocent Redeemer of the world is reduced, would have touched hearts of stone, and ought to inspire the Jews with feelings of compassion and mercy toward our suffering Jesus. But no sooner do they behold Him than they seem to lose every feeling of humanity, and, with the fury of wild beasts, clamorously demand His death, and seek with unexampled fury to deprive Him of that life which is all but extinct in His martyred Body. The diabolical hatred and implacable rage animating them against our blessed Lord urge them on to demand with loud cries that He should be crucified! Behold the consequences of allowing a passion once to take possession of the heart! There is no excess into which a man blinded by anyone passion may not fall. All passions delight but ruin the soul, and must therefore be combated with untiring energy. Pilate is well aware of the innocence of Jesus, and is by no means willing to yield to the iniquitous wishes of the Jews, but they fiercely and clamorously reply that according to their law He ought to die, because He has made Himself the Son of God. The laws of the world condemn Jesus to die. All worldlings who seek solely to gratify their passions exclaim by the voice of the Jews that Jesus must be put to death, that Jesus must be crucified! And do you regulate your conduct by such laws as these? Do you follow the maxims of worldlings? If such is the case, you will very speedily desert Jesus, and seek to crucify Him anew. Jesus beholds the rage of His enemies, He hears their furious outcries, and bitterly deplores their insensibility to His sufferings, but rejoices at the prospect of that Cross on which He is to die for love of me, while I tremble at the very name of crosses and sufferings. Why are my sentiments so contrary to those of Jesus?
3. The feelings which the sight of Jesus Christ should awaken in our hearts.
While the people display no compassion whatever on beholding Jesus, let us imagine that the Eternal Father shows Him to us to excite at least in our hearts feelings of love, veneration, and of desire to imitate Him. Let us imagine that we hear the Eternal Father addressing us in the words of Pilate to the Jews, "Ecce Homo"---"Behold the Man!" He is your King, the King of wisdom, of love, and of holiness, but also the King of sorrow and ignominy. He has acquired possession of His kingdom by humiliation and suffering; He has purchased it for you at the price of His Blood and of His Wounds: for your sake He has sacrificed His dignity, and permitted Himself to be thus outraged and tormented. Adore this King, be subject to Him, and if you wish to enter His blessed Kingdom, follow Him in the way of the Cross and of suffering. He is desirous of reigning in your hearts, and He has purchased possession of them at the price of a most painful death. Consecrate then to Him all your thoughts and all your affections. Behold the Man! He is your Father; the most sweet, tender and loving of fathers---a Father who, for the love of His children, and in order to restore them to the life of grace which they had lost by sin, has sacrificed His own most precious life on the Cross, and is yet the most despised and abhorred of fathers. Love so good a Father, obey His commands, and never grieve His tender Heart. Behold the Man! He is your Master and your Model. Observe the virtues which He practices on this occasion. Extreme mildness amid so many provocations, perfect silence under so many outrages, great humility amid so many insults, and wonderful patience under so many sufferings. Contemplate, and endeavor to imitate Him. Never will you resemble Him in the honors of Paradise, never will you be His companions in glory, if you resemble Him not in His virtues. Resolve to do so by the help of His grace.
The Fruit
Remain for some time with your eyes fixed on a Crucifix, and say to yourself, "Behold the condition to which a God has been reduced for love of me, and to satisfy for my sins." Offer Him all the powers of your soul, and all the senses of your body, in testimony of your love, and determine to use them solely for His glory. Ask Him, through the merits of His humiliations, to bestow upon you the spirit of humility and penance.
The venerable servant of God, Ursula Benincasa, took such great delight in having constantly before her eyes a picture representing Jesus crowned with thorns, and in the state in which He was shown by Pilate to the people, that she had it fastened on her working frame. When working she would frequently breathe forth fervent sighs of love to her suffering Lord, and beseech Him to allow her to partake in His sorrows, and to share His crown of thorns. She caused Crucifixes to be placed in every part of her house, and kept many in her room, so that, whichever way she turned, she might always behold her suffering Redeemer. Having become a Religious, and Superior of a Convent, she ordered each of her nuns to keep in her cell an image of Christ Crucified, and to say at least thirty-three times every day, "My Crucified Jesus! I repent of all my sins. Have mercy on me, and help me at the hour of my death."Thursday, March 28, 2013
From the blog:
"Present liturgical law is clear that only adult males (viri) may have their feet washed at the Mass of the Last Supper: “Lotio pedum …11. Viri selecti deducuntur a ministris ad sedilia loco apto parata. Tunc sacerdos … accedit ad singulos, eisque fundit aquam super pedes et abstergit …” (Mass of the Lord's Supper, Roman Missal 2002). Therefore, if someone is washing the feet of any females (or, it seems, even of males under 18, per 1983 CIC 97), he is in violation of the Holy Thursday rubrics."
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Litany for the Church in Our Time
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, Divine Founder of the Church,
hear us.
Christ, Who didst warn of false prophets,
graciously hear us.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, Divine Founder of the Church,
hear us.
Christ, Who didst warn of false prophets,
graciously hear us.
God, the Father of Heaven,
have mercy on us.
God, the Son, Redeemer of the World,
have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Ghost,
have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God,
have mercy on us.
have mercy on us.
God, the Son, Redeemer of the World,
have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Ghost,
have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God,
have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us.
pray for us.
St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church, pray for us.
St. Michael, Defender in Battle, pray for us.
St. Peter, the Rock upon which Christ built His Church, pray for us.
St. Paul, Protector of the Faithful Remnant, pray for us.
St. Francis of Assist, Re-builder of the Church, pray for us.
St. Anthony, Hammer of Heretics, pray for us.
St. Pius V, Restorer of the beauty of the Sacred Liturgy, pray for us.
St. Pius X, Foe of Modernism, pray for us.
All ye Holy Angels and Archangels, pray that we may resist the snares of the Devil.
St. Catherine of Siena, pray that Christ's Vicar may oppose the spirit of the world.
St. John Fisher, pray that bishops may have the courage to combat heresy and irreverence.
St, Francis Xavier, pray that zeal for souls may be re-enkindled in the clergy.
St. Charles Borromeo, pray that seminaries may be protected from false teachings.
St. Vincent de Paul, pray that seminarians may return to a life of prayer and meditation.
St. Therese of the Child Jesus, pray that religious may rediscover their vocation of love and sacrifice.
St. Thomas More, pray that the laity may not succumb to the Great Apostasy.
St. Francis de Sales, pray that the Catholic press may again become a vehicle of Truth.
St. John Bosco, pray that our children may be protected from immoral and heretical instruction.
St. Pascal, pray that profound everence for the Most Blessed Sacrament may be restored.
St. Dominic, pray that we may ever treasure the Holy Rosary.
St. Michael, Defender in Battle, pray for us.
St. Peter, the Rock upon which Christ built His Church, pray for us.
St. Paul, Protector of the Faithful Remnant, pray for us.
St. Francis of Assist, Re-builder of the Church, pray for us.
St. Anthony, Hammer of Heretics, pray for us.
St. Pius V, Restorer of the beauty of the Sacred Liturgy, pray for us.
St. Pius X, Foe of Modernism, pray for us.
All ye Holy Angels and Archangels, pray that we may resist the snares of the Devil.
St. Catherine of Siena, pray that Christ's Vicar may oppose the spirit of the world.
St. John Fisher, pray that bishops may have the courage to combat heresy and irreverence.
St, Francis Xavier, pray that zeal for souls may be re-enkindled in the clergy.
St. Charles Borromeo, pray that seminaries may be protected from false teachings.
St. Vincent de Paul, pray that seminarians may return to a life of prayer and meditation.
St. Therese of the Child Jesus, pray that religious may rediscover their vocation of love and sacrifice.
St. Thomas More, pray that the laity may not succumb to the Great Apostasy.
St. Francis de Sales, pray that the Catholic press may again become a vehicle of Truth.
St. John Bosco, pray that our children may be protected from immoral and heretical instruction.
St. Pascal, pray that profound everence for the Most Blessed Sacrament may be restored.
St. Dominic, pray that we may ever treasure the Holy Rosary.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God,
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let Us Pray.
Jesus, our God, in these dark hours when Thy Mystical Body is undergoing its own Crucifixion, and when it would almost seem to be abandoned by God the Father, have mercy, we beg of Thee, on Thy suffering Church. Send down upon us the Divine Consoler, to enlighten our minds and strengthen our wills.
Thou, O Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, Who canst neither deceive nor be deceived, have promised to be with Thy Church until the end of time. Give us a mighty Faith that we may not falter; help us to do Thy Holy Will always, especially during these hours of grief and uncertainty. May Thy Most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of Thy Holy Mother be our sure refuge in time and in eternity. Amen.
Jesus, our God, in these dark hours when Thy Mystical Body is undergoing its own Crucifixion, and when it would almost seem to be abandoned by God the Father, have mercy, we beg of Thee, on Thy suffering Church. Send down upon us the Divine Consoler, to enlighten our minds and strengthen our wills.
Prayer For The Church & The Holy Father
Most Powerful Patriarch St Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church,
which has always invoked thee in anxiety & trouble,
from the exalted seat of thy glory cast a loving glance
upon the whole Catholic world. let thy fatherly heart be touched
at the sight of the Mystical Spouse and the Vicar of Christ
overwhelmed with sorrow and persecuted by powerful enemies.
Oh, by the bitter anguish thou didst experience upon earth,
dry the tears of the venerable Pontiff, defend him, comfort him,
intercede for him with the Giver of peace and charity, that
all adversity being removed and all error dissipated,
the entire Church may serve God in perfect liberty.
Monday, March 25, 2013
I have translated to the best of my ability a posting from MISSA GREGORIANA :
Aeneam reicite, Pium recipite.
Refuse Eneas and receive Pius
Source: Fratres in Unum
I translate one comment of Reverend Father Canali, found at Ciguena de la Torre , who portrays just the hope that we Catholics must nourish after the election of Cardinal Bergoglio, now our Pope Francesco:
"When Eneas Silvio Picolomini - who had written frivolous novels - was elected successor of Peter, assumed the papacy under the name Pius II. Upon Presenting himself on the balcony, was faced with an angry mob. The Pope did not condemn them nor treat them as bad Christians, but simply told them:
"Aeneam reicite, Pium recipite. Refuse to Eneas and receive Pius. "
Although we have some bad references about Cardinal Bergoglio, he (Cardinal Bergoglio) no longer exists, but rather Pope Francesco. May the good God, even without merit, give us the grace to see history repeat itself, as they say about Pope Pius IX. And forget about cardinal Bergoglio and receive the Pope Francesco.
Some lessons for us all:
1) Pius II did not condemn the mob: lesson for those who are offended with the fear of some believers. We are all made of flesh and blood, not angelic beings. Excessive attention manifested towards men who often want to destroy the Church, unfortunately, is not extended to the poor faithful who love her.
2) "Aeneam reicite, Pium recipite" lesson for those who fear. This is not to cover the sun with a sieve, but with a healthy realism, also recognize our limits and give the last word to Faith: Non praevalebunt! If the historical concerns, Faith reassures. We are willing to carry our cross as necessary, but we are sure of the triumph of the Church. Cultivate an optimism not worldliness, but the virtue of Hope! It is worth recalling here the words of our dear friend Father Élcio Murucci to a reader: << You must not fear. Jesus said: "O little flock, have confidence, I have overcome the world."We must pray with faith, humility, confidence and perseverance. We have a Father in Heaven and also a Heavenly Mother who said, "in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph!" >>. And also the quote from St. Therese made by the reader Fernanda: << What does it matter to me, O Lord, if the future is threatened? Within Thy Divine Heart, do not fear the darts of the enemy, fear nothing >>.
Monday in Holy Week (Fig Monday)
Monday in Holy Week
Station at St Praxedes's
The Station was originally held at SS. Nercus and Achilleus but the tottering state of this church caused it to be transferred in the XIIIth century to St. Praxedes'. The precious Pillar of the Flagellation, so called, brought over from the Holy Land by Cardinal Colonna at the time ofthe Fifth Crusade, was placed by him in this his titular church, where it is still kept. In exchange for the iron ring attached to this pillar St. Louis presented the church with the three thorns of the Holy Crown that are still preserved there. The relics of many martyrs, gathered from the suburban catacombs, were brought into this church under Pope Paschalis I.
In the Epistle Isaias, typifying Jesus prophesies His obedience and the indignities of His Passion. He likewise foretells His triumph, for He has placed His trust in God, who will raise Him to life again. Finally he shows how the Jews were to be confounded. Then the Gentiles through baptism, the public penitents by being reconciled, and the faithful by their Easter Confession and Holy Communion will pass from darkness in the light of which Jesus is the fount.
The Gospel tells of the supper of which Jesus partook in the house of Simon the leper six days before the Pasch. While Martha, all activity, served at table, Mary, more loving, went up to Christ, and breaking the big narrow neck of an alabaster vase filled with an ointment of great price poured the contents over His feet. And Jesus commends her for having thus anticipated the embalming of His body. The indignant protests of Judas lead us to fear the crime into which he will fall an a result of his avarice. Finally the presence at the supper of Lazarus, whom Jesus had raised to life, is a forecast of the coming victory of Christ over death. The choice of this Gospel is not without connection with that of the Stational church: St. Praxedes and St. Pudentiana put their house at the disposal of Pope St.Pius I., like Mary and Martha received Jesus into theirs.
Judica, Domine, nocentes me, expugna impugnantes me: apprehende arma et scutum, et exsurge in adjutorium meum, Domine, virtus salutis meae. * Effunde frameam meam, et conclude adversus eos, qui persequuntur me: die animae meae: Salus tua ego sum.
Judge Thou, O Lord, them that wrong me, overthrow them that fight against me: take hold of arms and shield, and rise up to help me, O Lord, the strength of my salvation. * Bring out the sword, and shut up the way against them that persecute me: say to my soul, I am thy salvation.
(Psalm 34:1-3 from the Introit of Mass)
Da, quaesumus, omnipotens Deus: ut, qui in tot adversis ex nostra infirmitate deficimus: intercedente unigeniti Filii tui passione respiremus.
Grant, we beseech Thee, almighty God, that we who fail through infirmity in our many difficulties, may be relieved through the merits of the passion of Thine only-begotten Son.
Station at St Praxedes's
The Station was originally held at SS. Nercus and Achilleus but the tottering state of this church caused it to be transferred in the XIIIth century to St. Praxedes'. The precious Pillar of the Flagellation, so called, brought over from the Holy Land by Cardinal Colonna at the time ofthe Fifth Crusade, was placed by him in this his titular church, where it is still kept. In exchange for the iron ring attached to this pillar St. Louis presented the church with the three thorns of the Holy Crown that are still preserved there. The relics of many martyrs, gathered from the suburban catacombs, were brought into this church under Pope Paschalis I.
In the Epistle Isaias, typifying Jesus prophesies His obedience and the indignities of His Passion. He likewise foretells His triumph, for He has placed His trust in God, who will raise Him to life again. Finally he shows how the Jews were to be confounded. Then the Gentiles through baptism, the public penitents by being reconciled, and the faithful by their Easter Confession and Holy Communion will pass from darkness in the light of which Jesus is the fount.
The Gospel tells of the supper of which Jesus partook in the house of Simon the leper six days before the Pasch. While Martha, all activity, served at table, Mary, more loving, went up to Christ, and breaking the big narrow neck of an alabaster vase filled with an ointment of great price poured the contents over His feet. And Jesus commends her for having thus anticipated the embalming of His body. The indignant protests of Judas lead us to fear the crime into which he will fall an a result of his avarice. Finally the presence at the supper of Lazarus, whom Jesus had raised to life, is a forecast of the coming victory of Christ over death. The choice of this Gospel is not without connection with that of the Stational church: St. Praxedes and St. Pudentiana put their house at the disposal of Pope St.Pius I., like Mary and Martha received Jesus into theirs.
Judica, Domine, nocentes me, expugna impugnantes me: apprehende arma et scutum, et exsurge in adjutorium meum, Domine, virtus salutis meae. * Effunde frameam meam, et conclude adversus eos, qui persequuntur me: die animae meae: Salus tua ego sum.
Judge Thou, O Lord, them that wrong me, overthrow them that fight against me: take hold of arms and shield, and rise up to help me, O Lord, the strength of my salvation. * Bring out the sword, and shut up the way against them that persecute me: say to my soul, I am thy salvation.
(Psalm 34:1-3 from the Introit of Mass)
Da, quaesumus, omnipotens Deus: ut, qui in tot adversis ex nostra infirmitate deficimus: intercedente unigeniti Filii tui passione respiremus.
Grant, we beseech Thee, almighty God, that we who fail through infirmity in our many difficulties, may be relieved through the merits of the passion of Thine only-begotten Son.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
"LET not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me." John 14:1
I have had a week to reflect on the election of Papa Francesco. I must say in all honesty that I let my heart be troubled when he first appeared on the balcony. I had very mixed emotions. I suppose it was because I have been praying so earnestly that the next papacy would pick up where Benedict XVI left off. I have prayed for a restoration of an authentic "Sensus Catholicus" and attainment of a Roman spirit (romanità) to permeate the holy, Roman Church once more.
As a traditionalist, I have no illusions. I made a promise to refrain from any commentary about our new holy father. I promised that I would watch, pray and offer sacrifices on his behalf to wait and see. I’m going to be 47 and I have never had any illusions since the death of Paul VI. I remember some words of Archbishop Lefebvre at the election of John Paul II in 1978 that gave many reason for hope. He stated that the Church in Poland was still "very traditional". I prayed then and trusted that the newly elected pontiff would restore order and a sensus catholicus to the Church. However, his papacy was despite his personal sanctity a very big disappointment for me.
I may have pondered (briefly) a possible return of tradition when I was overtaken with the notion that perhaps men such as Cardinal Burke or Cardinal Ranjinth (or miracle of miracles Bishop Athanasius Schneider) might have a chance of becoming pope. I underestimated the strong current within the church against tradition. I do not know for certain but wager that this current within the Church seeks a continuity with the last 40+ years rather than with what existed previously. It is the past 50 years such Churchmen would seek to commemorate and canonize rather than clarify the difficulties of Vatican II through a "new syllabus" as called for by Bishop Schneider (and others) a few years ago. I fear we shall no doubt continue to see a canonization of Vatican II and its' the "year of faith" and beyond. I was further disturbed at the joy raised among known enemies of the Church at the election of Cardinal Bergoglio (Hans Kung among others). I immediately thought of some of Anne Catherine Emmerich's prophecies when enemies of the Church sought to carry out their own will regarding the future of the Church but as Anne Catherine Emmerich wrote, "Such was to be the new Church…But God had other designs…” 33 "Such was the new church to be, and it was for it that he had set fire to the old one; but God designed otherwise….” 36
As a traditionalist, I have no illusions. I made a promise to refrain from any commentary about our new holy father. I promised that I would watch, pray and offer sacrifices on his behalf to wait and see. I’m going to be 47 and I have never had any illusions since the death of Paul VI. I remember some words of Archbishop Lefebvre at the election of John Paul II in 1978 that gave many reason for hope. He stated that the Church in Poland was still "very traditional". I prayed then and trusted that the newly elected pontiff would restore order and a sensus catholicus to the Church. However, his papacy was despite his personal sanctity a very big disappointment for me.
I may have pondered (briefly) a possible return of tradition when I was overtaken with the notion that perhaps men such as Cardinal Burke or Cardinal Ranjinth (or miracle of miracles Bishop Athanasius Schneider) might have a chance of becoming pope. I underestimated the strong current within the church against tradition. I do not know for certain but wager that this current within the Church seeks a continuity with the last 40+ years rather than with what existed previously. It is the past 50 years such Churchmen would seek to commemorate and canonize rather than clarify the difficulties of Vatican II through a "new syllabus" as called for by Bishop Schneider (and others) a few years ago. I fear we shall no doubt continue to see a canonization of Vatican II and its' the "year of faith" and beyond. I was further disturbed at the joy raised among known enemies of the Church at the election of Cardinal Bergoglio (Hans Kung among others). I immediately thought of some of Anne Catherine Emmerich's prophecies when enemies of the Church sought to carry out their own will regarding the future of the Church but as Anne Catherine Emmerich wrote, "Such was to be the new Church…But God had other designs…” 33 "Such was the new church to be, and it was for it that he had set fire to the old one; but God designed otherwise….” 36
God is in control. God certainly has other plans and designs. God will not allow the wills of carnal, misguided men to destroy His Church. They may think they have had their say and that they have the upper hand but this is an illusion. The enemies of the Church within her bosom might falsely believe that they shall have a Church in their own image and likeness. A church they have sought to create for decades. "But God has other designs"
I was greatly edified to read on another blog the visit of the Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima to the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires and her recption by Cardinal Bergoglio some years ago. I read that Papa Francesco prays 15 decades of the most holy rosary every day and has a deep devotion to Our Lady. I read also with great joy that Father Nicholas Gruner "the Fatima priest" received letters from Cardinal Bergoglio. This gives me great reason to hope that perhaps Papa Francesco will be the pope to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In fact Antonio Ruffini the stigmatist who died in 2010 said as much. We can (and should) pray for this intention. The 100th anniversary of the apparition of Our Lady at Fatima, Portugal is fast approaching. A friend wrote me these insightful lines this past week in this regard:
the hundredth anniversary of the Fatima apparitions approaches. We know what happened to the King of France after exactly one hundred years of failing to carry out the Consecration of France to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as Our Lord requested in another so-called ‘private apparition’ — to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque in 1689. King Louis was guillotined and France descended into a revolutionary bloodbath that changed the whole world for the worse.”
And we know too what happened to the Jesuits in the 18th century when they failed to promote the revelations of the Sacred Heart that had first been conveyed to St Claude la Colombiere.
We must pray a great deal for the holy father. There is a very praiseworthy endeavor put forth by the Latin Mass Society to present a "Spiritual Bouquet" to the holy father. You can follow this link and fill it out and either send it by email or post it to the address. We have great reason for hope but we must pray very much!
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