In the library : Sentinels in the post-conciliar Church
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'' The council is that it begins in the Church as a harbinger of a day of most splendid light.'' So 'John XXIII opened the Second Vatican Council on 11 October 1962. Unfortunately, the years that followed were less shining than what was hoped for, reception of the council has been more 'difficult than had been hoped, but the exaltation of a certain spirit of reconciliation has characterized the life of the Church for nearly fifty 'years.
The same Paul VI monstrously 'alarmed at the post-conciliar situation, then John Paul II and now Benedict XVI have more' times warned against erroneous interpretations.There 'a risk, however,' that the debate over Vatican II remains only in specialized fields, while the nature of these important abuses and doctrinal and pastoral drifts may be known by all, to this purpose the testimony of some great personalities' can' be useful.
This book then proposes not a theological treatise, nor 'historical, but a kind of investigation with which to bring out the role of some'' sentinels'' in the post-conciliar era who have been a lone voice. Personalities 'often counter-labeled with too much ease': Eugenio Corti, Romano Amerio, Guareschi, S. Pio of Pietrelcina, P. Tomas Tyn, Don Divo Barsotti, P. Cornelio Fabro, Cardinal Giuseppe Siri, Monsignor Brunero Gherardini, are the sentinels'''' dashed by various authors in this brief survey.
The speech of Benedict XVI to the Roman Curia on 22 December 2005 opened a very important debate on the theme of the so-called hermeneutic of the Council, an important fact especially considering that until now it rarely went beyond the celebratory tone of the event.
There' is a risk, however, that this debate will remain confined to a specialized field, while the nature of the pastoral and doctrinal tendencies are important that need to be known by all, considering the consequences on the life of the Church and faith.
There' is a risk, however, that this debate will remain confined to a specialized field, while the nature of the pastoral and doctrinal tendencies are important that need to be known by all, considering the consequences on the life of the Church and faith.
That is why this book is thought to play a kind of investigation from which to bring out the role of some "sentinels" that have been a lone voices, personalities often counter-labeled too easily. authentic witnesses, however uncomfortable, it is still an example that deserves the attention and to be heard, a voice that everyone can hear - even the "non-experts" - to understand a little 'better the facts.
Eugenio Corti, Romano Amerio, Guareschi, St. Pio of Pietrelcina, Father Tomas Tyn, Don Divo Barsotti, Father Cornelio Fabro, card. Giuseppe Siri, Msgr. Brunero Gherardini and Mgr. Marcel Lefevbre, are the "sentinels" dashed by various authors in this brief survey published by Edizioni Cantagalli. The authors have pointed out some thoughts of these personalities without claiming to exhaust a full portrait, but only to bring out their voice against those abuses that have characterized a certain period of life of the Catholic Church.
To have a little sample taste 'taste of the survey conducted some songs that relate to the figure of Don Divo Barsotti, considered by many as a great mystic of 900.
In 1988, during an interview with Antonio Socci, Barsotti forthrightly expressed his point of view:
"Perhaps the council did not stress enough the essential strangeness of the Church to the world."In 1996, the journal Rogate Ergo, he had this to say: "We can not accept the liturgical reform as it has been introduced (...) It does not mean anything this vulgar language (...) The problem is not to understand on an intellectual level, but make a real encounter with Christ. And I do not see in today's Liturgy something that stimulates this meeting. "
In several places in the spiritual diaries of Don Divo Barsotti testify that the theme of "reception" of the Council has been very troubling for him: in 1967 he was concerned about the excessive length and the language of the documents, in 1979 he was annoyed by the continuous referring to Council for wanting to change everything in 1983 he condemns the overly optimistic view of human history, in 1985, cares for those who have claimed "that" their "Council could be the new foundation of everything."
Regarding inter-religious dialogue he expressed his concerns over the meeting in Assisi in 1986 when John Paul II expressed directly to the concern that "you may not make more difference," and so "the people can no longer realize what is specific of Christianity. "
In 1970, when he was called to preach the annual retreat to Paul VI, quoting those who "attuarono" the Council of Trent: Charles, Philip, Ignatius, Francis Xavier, Teresa, John of the Cross, and say, "Woe to us if we break the bond that unites us to the Church of all time. I can not recognize the Church of today if this is not the Church of the Council of Trent, if not the Church of Francis and Thomas, of Bernard and Augustine. I do not know what to do with a Church that is born today. "
(Christian Roots n. 70 - December 2011)
(Christian Roots n. 70 - December 2011)
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