
Pastoral proposals in regards to "Summorum Pontificum" for the Year of Faith

We reproduce below the letter of 16 April liturgical Peace

The Year of Faith, which began on 11 October 2012, under Benedict XVI, will be completed under Pope Francis. The media in chorus so willingly virulent to the first (Benedict XVI) were inversely to praise the second (Francesco), having a desire to distinguish a break between the two pontificates to the promised reality. They will become disillusioned. The Year of Faith rather, we hope, the community of thought and feeling, thought and action in a world undergoing profound change. Today we offer a double look by Father Claude Barthe on these questions:
  • at a given Centre St. Paul firstly conference
  • in which several books have helped other.
The points highlighted in an echo are clear and concrete proposals set out in the other. There is work to be done but the "new Catholics" - of whose people Summorum Pontificum is certainly one of the most vibrant branches - have neither fear nor are they shy.


Conference Abbe Claude Barthe in Saint Paul Center

In a lecture he gave in Paris at the Centre Saint-Paul, 9 April 2013, on the theme "Prospects for a new pontificate," Father Claude Barthe said: "The election of Benedict XVI in 2005 has not been a break, but a step. ... The amazing popularity of Benedict XVI (surprising, given his apparent lack of "charisma") has not been universal. His popularity was not shared by the media. It was essentially internal to the Church, and is largely explained by the emergence of what has been called the "new Catholicism" those priests whose "identity" together with mostly young faithful, families obviously very faithful together forming these "forces" -  these new communities, traditionalism of all types resurgent Catholic schools and scouting groups. As it is mainly manifested in this world. However, the "new Catholicism" represents all that remains of Western Catholicism in recent years by drying and breaking branches in an increasingly post-Catholic society. So that the transition as an output of a post-conciliar state, so it can only continue to operate, in one way or another, under the current pontificate and in the decades that followed to go to the output of a state of "open world", that is to say, in fact of dissolution in the modern world, and to return to a state of true reform of the Church (Ecclesia . semper reformanda), spiritual, catechetical, with missionary vocations " Father Barthe listed five points, which are all tasks that await these "forces", the last specifically agrees Peace liturgical action: 
1 - The renewal of catechesis must ensure transmission of the faith, a complete catechism, simple, which is assimilated by the children to fill in the gaps of lost generations of Catholics who had no real catechesis. 
2 - intense promotion of family morality: that is to say, of course, the defense of life, but also earlier, the preservation of conjugal morality, that is to say, to the fore the clear message regarding the traditional Humanae vitae encyclical quite forgotten today, and a catechesis clearly denouncing contraception. 
3 - concrete critique of a certain kinds of ecumenism: implementing a pastoral return of separated brethren by relying, as a predication of the return of what they have retained in their separate communities of Catholic faith.
4 - reminder of the political doctrine of the Church, to the rule of Christ in society, as education must be possessed by all Christians who must base their activity (or sometimes withdrawal of activity) service. 
5 - And the restoration of the liturgy as a primary vehicle for the faithful of the doctrine of salvation through the Cross . Restore both intrinsically traditional character of the liturgy: "I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you: On the eve of his death ..." (1 Cor 11, 23) as its core content " The sacrifice of the altar is not a pure and simple commemoration of the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, but a real sacrifice, literally, in which a bloodless sacrifice, the High Priest is that it has already done on the cross by offering himself to the Eternal Father as a very nice host. " . (Mediator Dei) In this same sight in a very concrete fashion, Father Claude Barthe has published a "book" pastoral proposals. Seminars, schools, catechism, liturgy: a contribution to the Year of Faith. Contributions Laurent-Marie Pocquet Upper Jusse Alexis Campo, Henry Dobrowolski, Laurent Jestin, Claude Barthe.Interviews with Cardinal Ranjith and Bishop Rey. Conference Bishop Schneider (Editions Muller, Notebooks Collection Hora Decima). We reproduce here the presentation of this work, made ​​in the introduction, by Father Claude Barthe.


Presentation of the book by Abbe Claude Barthe

This volume brings together a series of contributions and interviews which were first published in the journal The New Man.Their general approach could be described as "pastoral proposals Summorum Pontificum." This not to restrict their content to the liturgical field, the cardinal importance however, is not to demonstrate but to conveniently designate a general line of pastoral mutual enrichment of the new and the old. Who can doubt that the recovery mission of the Church must be refounded on traditional church values ​​appropriate to the times we live in? This policy can certainly be applied to many subjects find the truly new in Catholicism greatly depressed by timely reuse of traditional. Such contributions are not prohibited, during the observation or analysis they presuppose. But it must be clearly understood that this is not their purpose. They want, in effect, directly as concrete as possible. It does not pretend to give the solution, but to propose some possible parties. In doing so, they join the discussions, proposals and even achievements in the same direction.Overall, the reform ideas, if they have any relevance, are always more or less in tune with the times: the resume, the stress, the complete, allows them to succeed. So it's good to "proposals" be very modest, but very simply, the Church leaders to meet a particularly alarming situation of Catholicism, especially French, who discovers a small minority in a society indifferent at best. By the fact they are questionable. Dynamically debatable all wish of the authors is that they are subject to discussions, contradictions, other proposals in return, etc.. Four cases are presented: 1) The first adaptation of the training of future priests dioceses in the steep rise of the candidates sensitivity Summorum Pontificum. It is realistically meet this changing the sensitivity of the current candidates for the priesthood and dynamically use this trend. In addition, in an environment of increasing scarcity, the question of integration in some sectors of diocesan pastoral priests Ecclesia Dei. 2) A second issue brings together a set of proposals for the crucial area for the transmission of the faith in the process of clearing and the rise of priestly and religious vocations: it is the revitalization of Catholic education "ordinary" under the existing contract in ordinary dioceses of France. 3) The catechism is actually the crux of the re-evangelization. The issue raised by this area is probably the most damaged of contemporary Catholicism. It reminds some figures on the continuing collapse of the attendance of the catechism. He noted that in the majority of cases, what remains of catechism teaching transmits only byproduct. How to try to turn this trend that the transmission of the Catholic faith in France and many other countries, is virtually assured today? It being understood that there are a host of vital reactions "grassroots" of priests and laity, parents, initiatives that this issue, claiming much less than the other files to be exhaustive, only seeks to give an idea. 4) The liturgy of ordinary parishes in the cardinal area, as just pointed out, the lex orandi, this final contribution deals with the liturgy of the parishes, in terms of the "reform of the reform", with obstacles and hopes that hold each other church personnel in the day today. They are followed by two interviews and a conference showing any part of the areas covered: 1 / An interview with Cardinal Albert Malcolm Ranjith : Example of the Diocese of Colombo. 2 / Interview with Bishop Dominique Rey: Example of the diocese of Fréjus-Toulon. 3 / And Conference Bishop Athanasius Schneider:. cure liturgyWe strongly recommend that you read this book, you can order the Muller Publishing and in the best bookshops. "pastoral proposals - Seminars, schools, catechism, liturgy: a contribution to the Year of Faith" contributions Laurent-Marie Pocquet Upper Jusse Alexis Campo, Henry Dobrowolski, Laurent Jestin, Claude Barthe. Interviews with Cardinal Ranjith and Bishop Rey. Conference Bishop Schneider Publishing Muller, Notebooks Collection Hora Decima - 104 pages - Price: € 9.50 - ISBN: 9791090947108