Friday, June 26, 2015

Prayer of Filial Affection

A votive prayer, offered in thanksgiving for the Golden Wedding Anniversary celebration of
Jack & Sandra,
married 50 years ago, Christian spouses, beloved Catholic parents and grandparents.

A prayer to be said by children in behalf of their parents

Almighty and everlasting God, who, in the secret counsels of Thine ineffable Providence, hast been pleased to call us into life by means of our parents, who thus partake of Thy divine power in our regard, mercifully hear the prayer of filial affection which we offer to Thee in behalf of those to whom Thou hast given a share of Thy fatherly mercy, in order that they might lavish upon us in our journey through life the consoling gift of Thy holy and generous love.

Dear Lord, fill our parents with Thy choicest blessings; enrich their souls with Thy holy grace; grant that they may faithfully and constantly guard that likeness to Thy mystic marriage with Thy Church, which Thou didst imprint upon them on the day of their nuptials. Fill them with the spirit of holy fear, which is the beginning of wisdom, and continually move them to impart the same to their children; in such wise may they ever walk in the way of Thy commandments, and may their children be their joy in this earthly exile and their crown of glory in their home in heaven.

Finally, Lord God, grant that both our father and our mother may attain to extreme old age and enjoy perpetual health in mind and body; may they deserve to sing Thy praises forever in our heavenly country in union with us, their children, giving Thee most hearty thanks that Thou hast bestowed upon them in this vale of tears the great gift of a share in the light of Thy infinite fruitfulness and of Thy divine fatherhood. Amen.

~ The Raccolta

[An indulgence of 300 days (S. P. Ap., Nov. 25, 1936)]

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