Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Savior of the Savior, Redeemer of the Redeemer: Saint Joseph, March 19th

Prayer to Saint Joseph In Any Great Necessity

O MOST faithful guardian of Jesus and spouse of Mary: thou seest the anguish of my heart. I am disturbed and perplexed. Obtain for me the light of the Holy Ghost and all the helps I need to enable me at all times and in all things to fulfil the adorable will of God. I choose thee this day in the presence of Jesus and Mary as my angel of good counsel to direct me in all my necessities. Guide me I entreat thee by the many bitter dolours which rent thy tender heart during the course of thy mortal pilgrimage. Amen.

Saint Joseph, model and patron of those who love the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us.
[Indulgence of 100 days, once a day. ~ Leo XIII, Dec. 19, 1891]

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