Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Act of Contrition

Bishop Hedley's Act of Contrition

O my God, who art afar off, awful in Thy majesty and Thy power, pardon me my sins.  O God, who art so near me, yet so silent and so patient, pardon me for having forgotten Thee.  O Lord heavenly Father, who holdest me up, who speakest to me often, who promisest me eternal bliss, grant me forgiveness for having slighted Thee.  O my Father and my only Friend, who hast watched over me from my first existence, who hast directed me with blessings and calls, forgive me for the sins of my youth and my ignorance.  O Lord of all goodness, sun of all perfection, infinite majesty, eternal King, I detest from my heart every thought, word, and act in which I have ever offended Thee.

O Savior, who hast shed the last drop of Thy Blood for me, I throw myself down at Thy feet and pray for pardon. O Lord, mighty and jealous, may the dread of Thy judgments, the thought of the fire of hell, the idea of the horror of an eternity without Thee, pierce my flesh with compunction for my folly, my pride, and my self love.

O Holy Spirit, who lovest and carest for the immortal souls of all, I repent from my inmost being of the sins by which I made others sin.  May I spend my life henceforward in teaching my fellow men to know and love my God!

I accept, O Jesus, in satisfaction for my sins, in order That I may never sin again, all the sufferings, crosses and afflictions, whether of mind or body, which it may please Thee to send me, in union with Thy Cross and with the sorrows of Thy Sacred Heart.  To Thee, and to Thee only, O my Redeemer, do I turn - to Thee on whom in the past I have so often turned my back.  Inspire me with true resolution of amendment! May I be firm in my purposes, and resolute in self-restraint!  Above all, may I never depart from Thy feet and from true humility of heart!  Give me the deepest trust in Thee and the utmost fear of myself - for thus only, O my master, can I be secure of never offending Thee again.

Most holy Mary, Refuge of sinners, I have offended in ways without number thy Son whom thou lovest: yet because He came to save sinners, thou art the Mother of sinners who wish to repent.  Receive me therefore, assist me, and obtain for me the grace of true and lasting contrition.

~ Bishop John Cuthbert Hedley (15 April 1837 – 11 November 1915)


  1. ... and I detest all my sins because they offend Thee, my God, who art my Creator, my Redeemer, my Saviour, my Lord, my Life, my Love, my All.

  2. The blood of Christ, who by the Holy Ghost offered himself unspotted unto God, cleanse our conscience from dead works, to serve the living God. ~ Hebrews 9.14
