Monday, August 5, 2013

The prophecies of the mystic Emmerich and the ruin of the church with two popes

I wonder if John Paul II, in 2004, ever imagined that one day not too far away the German nun who he was about to beatify would become highly topical? only nine years have passed since that October 3, 2004, when the great Polish Pope, the biggest "canonizzatore" in the history of the church, raised to the altars Anna Katharina, a German Augustinian nun who lived between 1774 and 1824, proclaiming her blessed. Emmerich, born into a family of peasant origins, she is venerated by the universal church for her skills as a mystic and visionary. It was because of her visions handed down that was unearthed, near Ephesus, the house that, according to archaeologists, was where Mary and John lived after the death of Jesus according to the Diaries "The sorrowful Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ" which reveal some new details regarding the death of Jesus
But between the visions of the German nun there are also some apocalyptic prophecies about the fate of the church. Firstly, Katharina was, I believe, the first to have anticipated some aspects of the future reform of the liturgy: "The Mass was short. The Gospel of St. John was not read at the end. " But what immediately jumps to the eye, is her prediction of a future tense co-existence of two popes: "I saw also the relationship between the two popes ... I saw what would have been disastrous consequences of this false church. I've seen it increase in size; heretics of all kinds were in the city (of Rome). The local clergy grew lukewarm, and I saw a great darkness "(May 13, 1820). 

On this step, the more traditionalist Catholic world who are critical of the changes in the teaching of Pope Francis are wedded. The church that is being formed, in the prophecy emmerickiana, is a "false" church, of corrupt doctrine ( protestantized) and infestation of a "lukewarm" clergy.  But all this did not prevent the church to "increase in size" (the reference, for many, is the so-called "effect Bergoglio", a wave of acclaim, full of churches and queues the confessionals.) 

Even the change of residence and seclusion of what is now the Pope emeritus had been announced: "I see the Holy Father in great distress. He lives in a building other than the first and will admit only a limited number of friends close to him. I am afraid that the Holy Father will suffer much more evidence before he died. I see that the false church of darkness is making progress, and I see the tremendous influence it has on people "(10 August 1820). Even here, once again, is the popularity and influence of the new church is a worry to the Blessed Emmerick.
Here, then, the prophecy about protestantization of the Catholic Church: "And I saw that everything relating to Protestantism was gradually taking over and the Catholic religion was falling into complete decay. Most of the priests were attracted by the seductive but false doctrines of young teachers, and all of them contributed to the work of destruction. In those days, Faith will fall very low, and it will be preserved in some places, a few houses and few families which God has protected from disasters and wars "(1820). And yet, still regarding the "big church": "I saw that many pastors had become involved in ideas that were dangerous for the church. They were building a great church, strange and extravagant. " But this prophecy does not stop there, it also heralds the doctrine that, which during the post-conciliar years, driving much of the ecclesiastical ministry, that of ecumenism and religious freedom: "Everyone had to be admitted in it to be united and have equal rights: Evangelicals , Catholics and seven of every denomination. So it had to be the new church ... But God had other plans "(22 April 1823).
"But God had other plans." Projects of which, of course, each of us is unaware: indeed, nobody can say whether, how and how much the prophecies of the Blessed Emmerich are current or, indeed, are coming true. Certainly, however, it is surprising consonance with many aspects, more or less obscure, the church of today.
Mattia Rossi

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