Monday, May 13, 2013


Today the 13th of May is a feast very near and dear to my heart.  Today we honor our beloved Mother commemorating her appearances to the three shepherd children of Fatima. I learned early on about the coming of the Mother of God to Fatima. Already in the 2nd grade we learned in religion class about this wonderful world changing event. Our Lady came to earth to warn us of the consequences (both temporal and eternal) of sin. She called mankind as she always has in her apparitions to conversion, prayer and penance as a means of averting disasters that come as a consequence to sin (wars, persecutions of the Church etc). The future of the world and most especially the Church is dependent upon the fulfillment of the requests asked by Our Lady at Fatima. THE MESSAGE OF FATIMA is of paramount importance today.  It is more important now than ever before. I urge everyone to make an effort to learn the message of Fatima and more importantly to LIVE the message of Fatima in our lives and in our homes.  Above all pray that the holy father in union with all the bishops of the world will finally consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and pray for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart!

In a Nutshell

Fatima is a dreadful ultimatum to the world to stop sinning. The enormity of mankind's rebellion against God and God's infinite hatred of sin is the foundation of the Fatima message. In His infinite mercy, God gives the world one last hope in the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Vision of Fatima). If you don't know what happened at Fatima, Portugal in 1917, find out here.



  2. That is a touching picture of Our Lady of Fatima and Sr. Lucia. I had never seen that one before.

    Fatima, too, is dear to my heart.

    God bless!

