Monday, May 27, 2013




After the era of Vatican II …

In the last issue of Le Nef (September, 2003, 6 €) published a theological debate which was meant to be very "positive « on the Church, to be enlivened by Christophe Geffroy and Jean - Marie Paupert enters P. Serge-Thomas Bonino, editor, manager of the Magazine thomiste, and the abbe Claude Barthe, of the magazine Catholica. The debate shows that the positions of both speakers are far from being diametrically divergent: they are opposed in principle on the most burning doctrinal questions of Vatican II, but they converge on practical points:

On the magisterium of Vatican II

Vatican II is defended by P. Bonino (it is the context interpretation of the Council that is faulty), and having been attacked by the abbot Barthe on the « hermeneutic of rupture » as interreligious dialogue and religious freedom (Vatican II operated a « electioneering reform »). The top of debate aimed at the authority of the magisterium of Vatican II:

« Father Bonino – As was recommended not long ago by cardinal Ratzinger, it is therefore necessary to read Vatican II in the light of Tradition. " Novelties » (and visible rupture with tradition) have to be interpreted as a homogeneous development of Tradition and must be implemented in a traditional sense … »

« Abbe Barthe – You recall, my Father, this necessity of the interpretation of Vatican II in the sense of tradition. But it is precisely there that the main difficulty of this council is, in my opinion. The content of tradition is given in a more definite way by the last state of magisterium: it is Trent which interprets Florence and Vatican I which interprets Trent in the sense of tradition. So Vatican II should represent the most successful state of the making explicit of this tradition. And, it is nothing and it is contrariwise in the previous education that it would be necessary to search for an interpretation of the last council. Eventually, the crisis shall end when we will be given from Vatican II an interpretation in strong sense, magisterial, and therefore by definition in the sense of tradition. »

On the liturgical question

It appears distinctly that P. Bonino represents the conciliar Catholics who are far from being satisfied by the reform of Paul VI, the abbe Barthe advocating a gradual transition to rectify the liturgy in parishes:
« Father Bonino – Certain aspects of reform apparently enriched the life of the christian people. I think for instance of the bigger place made in the hearing of the Word of God in liturgical celebrations. Others, in due time, revealed their limits. As new ritual is not intangible, these negative aspects can be corrected by competent authority … »
« The abbe Barthe – This idea of « reform of reform » is gaining ground in Rome. From what we can know about intentions of those who call for it, it concerns, as the term implies, the rite of Paul VI, without touching the rite of St. Pius V which would remain the point of context. I agree with you: it will be necessary that this reform is gently made. Rather than towards a biritualism, it could go – it would be good that they (the rites) –  coexist between a reference point rite and ordinary liturgy » progressively re-made sacred towards this reference point (rite of St Pius V). In any case, this " reform of liturgical » reform cannot but be accompanied by a " reform of doctrinal » reform. The insufficiency of liturgical reform is the mirror of doctrinal problems and doctrinal fuzziness expresses itself obviously in liturgical fuzziness. If therefore they come there to correct the liturgy, which is short of transcendence, the sense (meaning) of the altar or requests regarding the offertory prayers, they will even be led to go toward what is the equivalent in doctrine … »

On the future:

« The abbe Barthe – The number of vocations is again going down everywhere. Certainly, this fall is even more frightening in diocésains seminaries. It remains true that the more traditional or new communities remain the richest in vocations, what can probably be explained by the good liturgical intentions of a certain number of prelates. As for the practical organization of the pastoral, it will probably be necessary to imagine various resolutions. Indeed, we see broadly a system of networks today which makes that each goes towards the community, according to his choice. The system of parishes will have to be supported as many as possible. But they can also think of places towards which would regroup the faithful, and from whom priests would come forth. In any case, the number of priests will not any more allow over the years to support the current system. It is clear that, from this point of view, true crisis is in front of us … »

« Father Bonino – I note with joy, after decades when the humanities reigned supreme as first year in an introduction to theology, that the new generations of clerics, certainly too much reduced, are in general anxious about a solid metaphysical and theological training in the school of saint Thomas Aquinas, to better structure their christian identity. »
Both speakers agreed otherwise on ultimate resolutions (the abbe Barthe offers to subject the innovative texts of Vatican II  «the parenthisized » which was subjected to the doctrine of the council of Constance maintaining that the council is superior to the pope; then this doctrine was condemned by Vatican City I), at least on the necessity to operate the «flattening» on doctrinal problems: « we do not need patchwork solutions to this sort of heartbreak.. It would be better, as one might say, to indentify the neurosis first, and many agree on these difficult points which are to be interpreted. The 'respect ' for not christian religions could be one of them » (the abbot Barthe). This topic of « the reform of reform » liturgical and doctrinal should earn more and more ground.

Valérie Houtart


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