Friday, April 5, 2013


The Catholic Counter-Reformation in the 21st Century
N° 127 – April 2013
Director : Brother Bruno Bonnet‑Eymard


MOST Holy Father,
The announcement of your election to the sovereign pontificate on the evening of Wednesday, May 13, was a great surprise for our Community. Nevertheless, your simplicity, and your smile that reminded us of your predecessor, John Paul I, immediately won us over. Rapidly an inexpressible joy overcame us as your sound faith, your ardent piety, and your tender devotion to the Blessed Virgin manifested themselves. It was then that a brother reminded me that in February 2003, our founder, Fr. Georges de Nantes, who departed this life three years ago, had your photograph in his hands and contemplated it at length saying to us : “ It is really the photograph of a saint. I do not grow tired of looking at it. ” Moreover, you correspond exactly to the longings of this beloved Father, of whom one of the maxims was that “ poverty will save the world, ” poverty that you, as it were, have espoused like your patron St. Francis.
If poverty and simplicity are two emblematic virtues of St. Francis of Assisi, they also make us think irresistibly of another Francis dear to our hearts, the blessed little shepherd of Fatima, who prayed so much and sacrificed himself “ for the Holy Father. ” You therefore have a very powerful intercessor close to the Most Blessed Virgin. Perhaps you are even Her chosen one, the person whom She has elected to consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, as She requested on June 13, 1929 ? Perhaps you are the one who was shown to Jacinta, Francisco’s little sister, in her prophetic visions ?
Be that as it may, you are the new Vicar of Jesus Christ, and I give utterance to the filial homage of all the religious Communities of which I am in charge. Please forgive me for doing it publically, but I do so in the hope that this token of our devoted and confident attachment may reach you more certainly than through “ private ” channels.
I dare ask of you, Most Holy Father, your cherished blessing, for myself and for all our Communities, which are yours, with the certainty that, as the true Vicar of Him Who said : “ Ask and it will be given to you, ” you will not fail to grant it.
I assure you of our prayers for the Church and for you, under the eyes of the Immaculate, Mother of every one of us, forever, in order that She may guard you and make you the diligent instrument of the desires of Her Immaculate Heart, which are none other than those of Her Divine Son.
Brother Bruno of Jesus-Mary 
On behalf of the Little Brothers and Little Sisters of the Sacred Heart,
and the lay members of the Phalange of the Immaculate.
Pope Francis
The pope places his bouquet of flowers on the altar of the Most Blessed Virgin, in the Basilica of St. Mary Major.

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