Monday, March 25, 2013

I have translated to the best of my ability a posting from MISSA GREGORIANA :

Aeneam reicite, Pium recipite.


Refuse Eneas and receive Pius
Source: Fratres in Unum

I translate one comment of Reverend Father Canali, found at Ciguena de la Torre , who portrays just the hope that we Catholics must nourish after the election of Cardinal Bergoglio, now our Pope Francesco:
"When Eneas Silvio Picolomini - who had written frivolous novels - was elected successor of Peter, assumed the papacy under the name Pius II. Upon Presenting himself on the balcony, was faced with an angry mob. The Pope did not condemn them nor treat them as bad Christians, but simply told them: 
"Aeneam reicite, Pium recipite. Refuse to Eneas and receive Pius. "
Although we have some bad references about Cardinal Bergoglio, he (Cardinal Bergoglio) no longer exists, but rather Pope Francesco. May the good God, even without merit, give us the grace to see history repeat itself, as they say about Pope Pius IX. And forget about cardinal Bergoglio and receive the Pope Francesco.
Some lessons for us all:
1) Pius II did not condemn the mob: lesson for those who are offended with the fear of some believers. We are all made ​​of flesh and blood, not angelic beings. Excessive attention manifested towards men who often want to destroy the Church, unfortunately, is not extended to the poor faithful who love her.
2) "Aeneam reicite, Pium recipite" lesson for those who fear. This is not to cover the sun with a sieve, but with a healthy realism, also recognize our limits and give the last word to Faith: Non praevalebunt! If the historical concerns, Faith reassures. We are willing to carry our cross as necessary, but we are sure of the triumph of the Church. Cultivate an optimism not worldliness, but the virtue of Hope! It is worth recalling here the words of our dear friend Father Élcio Murucci to a reader: << You must not fear. Jesus said: "O little flock, have confidence, I have overcome the world."We must pray with faith, humility, confidence and perseverance. We have a Father in Heaven and also a Heavenly Mother who said, "in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph!" >>. And also the quote from St. Therese made ​​by the reader Fernanda: << What does it matter to me, O Lord, if the future is threatened? Within Thy Divine Heart, do not fear the darts of the enemy, fear nothing >>.

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