Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Hideous Leprosy

 How fatal is the disease of sin! It covers our soul with a hideous leprosy, that leads her to death eternal. To cleanse us therefrom, the Redeemer has prepared for us, says Saint Bernard, a fountain of mercy, a bath of salvation in the sacrament of penance.

Every soul making use of it full of repentance and resolved to amend, were she stained far more than even Judas and Lucifer, will come forth therefrom as pure as the heavenly rays. This is a powerful motive for us to esteem and love this sacred fountain, in which Christ’s tears and blood wash away even our most enormous faults, and dispose us to enjoy perfect health.

Who healeth the broken of heart, and bindeth up their bruises” (Ps. 146.3).

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