Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Marvel Dazzling Every Age: The Easter Sequence

Victimae paschali laudes: The Easter Sequence

To the Paschal Victim, hymns of praise,
Come, ye Christians, joyous raise!

Lamb unstained, unmeasured price hath paid
Ransom for the sheep that strayed.
To a Father kind, rebellious men
Sinless Son hath led again:

Life and Death in combat fierce engage,
Marvel dazzling every age.
Prince of life, by hellish monster slain,
Liveth now, shall ever reign.

Tell us, Mary, thou our herald be,
What in passing thou didst see?

Empty tomb, where Christ, now living, lay,
Angels saw I in bright array,
Shroud and vesture loosely cast aside
Prove clear: He is risen glorified.

Yea! My hope hath snapped the fatal chain,
Death has smote and risen again:
Quick before you, sped to Galilee.
Christ in glory haste to see.

Know we now that Christ hath truly risen,
Wrenched the gates of hell's dark prison.

Hail, Thou Victor! Hail, Thou glorious King.
Help and save us while we sing.
Amen. Alleluia.

~ Father F. X. Lasance, The New Roman Missal [1945], p.540

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