Thursday, March 12, 2015

God Only Knows

Study It and Love It Silently

And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven, as it were for half an hour. ~ Revelation 8.1

Evelyn Waugh’s concerns about Vatican II and the liturgical reform are recorded in his diaries and letters, and in a famous Spectator article at the onset of the Council...  He wrote in the Spectator article:

"Participation’ in the Mass does not mean hearing our own voices. It means God hearing our voices. Only He knows who is ‘participating’ at Mass. I believe, to compare small things with great, that I ‘participate’ in a work of art when I study it and love it silently. No need to shout. … If the Germans want to be noisy, let them. But why should they disturb our devotions?" [With sincere apologies to our dear German friends!]

 Offerimus Tibi, Domine

New Liturgical Movement

Regina Magazine

Evelyn Waugh’s concerns about Vatican II and the liturgical reform are recorded in his diaries and letters, and in a famous Spectator article at the onset of the Council. Much of this material, and responses to his letters from Cardinal Heenan, has been turned into a book, ‘A Most Bitter Trial’ (ed Scott Reid). Waugh didn’t live to see the 1970 Missal, but he was deeply concerned about the 1955 Holy Week Reform, the Dialogue Mass, and Mass in English. The Latin Mass Society of England & Wales

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