Monday, November 24, 2014

We Live Falling Down & Standing Up

Do You Want God To Communicate with You?
A letter from Mother Luisita (de-coded)

My beloved child,

Do you want Our Lord to communicate with you? Then try to do the following:
• Preserve unity and peace with everyone who lives under the same roof.
• Try to have habitual recollection by thinking of God.
• Familiarize yourself with some little short prayer with which you invite Jesus to come into your heart.
• Make it a point to entertain yourself with things that pertain to God.
• Keep yourself in healthy fear, guarding the doors of your senses, being careful what you let come in.
• Ask for grace to know and overcome the obstacles that oppose a greater union with God.

Here are the counsels I give you:
• Do everything for God our Lord, seeing Him in the person of the poor and the sick and frequently offer Him your worries.
• Try to teach more with your example than with words, even though words are also necessary.
• Never make any decision when you are disturbed, but wait until your soul is in peace.
• Not to expect perfection in people because we live falling down and standing up.
• None of us is perfect, so don’t get scandalized at the sight of somebody else’s faults. We will only be perfect in heaven.
• Don’t get  discouraged when greater difficulties come. Learn to suffer much, much for God.
• Humble yourself  when humiliations come, and be happy that God our Lord is pleased with you, even though there are reasons for humiliations in the eyes of others.

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be your love, your guide, and your consolation.
~ Mother Luisita, Foundress, Carmelites of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles

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