Friday, October 31, 2014

The Stableness of Everlastingness

The world itself compels us to despise the world
that is so full of wretchedness;
in which is –
abiding malice,
destroying persecution,
swelling wrath,
fretting lust,
false blaming for sin,
and bitterness of slander;
where all things are confused and withouten order;
where neither righteousness is loved nor truth approved;
where faithfulness is unfaithful,
and friendship cruel,
that stands in prosperity and falls in adversity.

There are yet other things that should move us
to the despising of the world:
the changeableness of time;
the shortness of this life;
death sure;
the chance of death unsure;
the stableness of everlastingness
and the vanity of things present;
the truth of joys to come.

Choose what thou wilt.
If thou love the world, with it thou shalt perish;
if thou love Christ, with Him thou shalt reign.

~ Richard Rolle of Hampole, Hermit [1290-1349]

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