Monday, June 9, 2014

Love, Together with Unspeakable Sweetness



(John 14.23-31) for Pentecost Sunday

by Pope Saint Gregory the Great

"This is the day on which the Holy Ghost descended upon the apostles, and changing the hearts of those carnally minded men, led them to the love of Himself. While the tongues of fire appeared externally, the hearts of the disciples were enkindled within, and as they beheld God under the appearance of fire, they became aflame with love together with unspeakable sweetness of soul. For the Holy Ghost is love, and therefore St John says: ‘God is Charity.’ Now love is proved by action. St John says again: ‘Whosoever says: I love God, and does not keep his commandments, is a liar.’ 

Our love for God is genuine if we resist the attractions of pleasure in order to obey Him, and anyone who goes on devoting himself to pleasure does not truly love God, since he acts contrary to His will.

Do not think, then, that you love Him unless you prove it by good works. Let your speech, your mind, your whole life be consecrated to the quest for God's love, for in that love inertia has no place" (Homily at Matins).

[from the St Andrew’s Daily Missal (1937)]

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