Thursday, May 8, 2014

Joy, Liberty & Peace of Heart

It is extraordinary what precautions it is necessary to take in the world, to avoid offending a friend. Men are so sensitive, that often a single expression of ill-humour is enough to make them forget twenty, thirty, forty years of service. A single word, spoken unseasonably, sometimes breaks the strongest friendship.

It is not so with Jesus Christ. It seems incredible, but nevertheless it is beyond dispute, that we cannot possibly have a friend more grateful than He is. We must not imagine that He is capable of breaking friendship with us for a slight ingratitude. He sees all our weaknesses, and bears with incredible goodness all the miseries of those He loves. He forgets them, and appears not to perceive them. His compassion goes so far as to give comfort to those souls who are too much afflicted at them. He does not desire that our fear of displeasing Him should go so far as to disturb us and torment our minds. He would have us avoid the smallest faults; but He does not even wish that we should be disquieted at great ones: He desires that joy, liberty and peace of heart should be the eternal portion of those that truly love Him.

~ Jean Croiset, Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Part I Chapter 3


  1. "How is it, then, that so many motives for inspiring love do not succeed in making us truly love Jesus Christ? It often requires so little in the world to gain our hearts. We give away our heart, and are prodigal of it for ever so little."

  2. Thursday, 8 May 2014:

    Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy upon Thy servant - Thy son.

    Immaculate Virgin Mary, Queen of the Most Sacred Rosary of Pompeii, save him.

    Saint Michael the Archangel, vouchsafe to intercede for him and rescue him.
