Friday, September 13, 2013

Father Laguerie elected Superior General of the Institute of the Good Shepherd.


Father Laguerie elected Superior General of the Institute of the Good Shepherd.

It was announced today, the feast of the Holy Name of Mary, the confirmation by the Commission Ecclesia Dei, the reelection of Father Philippe Laguerie as superior of the Institute of the Good Shepherd.
The reelection of Laguerie occurs while the institute goes through a troubled situation, after the annulment of the previous vote that elected the current rector of the seminary of Saint Vincent, Father Roch Perrel as new superior.
Perrel represented a ward at the institute contrary to recent proposals of Rome, which are: change of rite "exclusive" to "own", which at least formally means, its members would celebrate according to the Missal of Paul VI, and the adoption of Magisterium "integral" in the life of the seminary, including the use of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the recent teaching, while that would be necessary to leave behind the famous "constructive criticism" to the conciliar texts. Such points desirable by the Holy See were expressed in the letter of Monsignor Guido Pozzo at the end of the apostolic visitation held at the institute , we disclose exclusively. It is noteworthy that what today is unwanted the Holy See approved by herself, in 2006, with the erection of the IBP.
Several maneuvers were made by the superior acting institute, Abbot Emeritus of Fontgombault, Dom Antoine Forgeot, which led to the restoration of the chapter, with several changes in the framework of voters, and that culminated in the re-election of the candidate supposedly open to the goals of the Ecclesia Dei .
Laguerie had been publicly questioned several times by more than one member of the institute, for its alleged openness to Roman requests, who, they said, would undermine the identity and the "charism" of IBP.
It is possible that the election, because these maneuvers, is canonically questioned by the competent bodies.

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