Friday, July 19, 2013

From the excellent 'GLORIA.TV' a foreshadow of what is to come for all Catholic priests in the western world who speak out against such things. Father Karl Tropper is right about many things of course:

Carl Tropper: "Austria's bishops are failures"

Carl Tropper, pastor of St. Veit / Vogau, reiterated his statements about homosexuality and Islam.

Photo © Barbić
reverend Father, as the Amen uttered in every prayer you rant every year in the spring against Islam or against homosexuals. Recently, you wrote in the parish bulletin about homosexual perverts. Why?

KARL TROPPER: They're perverts. If you are no longer allowed to say that, you have to go into retirement as pastor.

Is it the right way to express such outlandish opinions about homosexuality and Islam, especially in the Church?

KARL TROPPER: Who will say otherwise, if I do not? All priests should do that. The bishops in Austria and Germany are failures, and do not see what is brewing. In 50 years, Vienna will be a Muslim city, the Votive Church a large mosque.

Back to current case: Why does the Catholic Church have such a hard time with homosexuality?

KARL TROPPER: It is tremendously wrong. And it is perverse.

The diocese announced in previous years regarding consequences toward you. The diocesan bishop had given a written warning in the previous year. Did he also rebuke you in this particular case?

KARL TROPPER: He said I must not write such things. But in this particular case I was even received notice from the Prosecutor (Note: There were two reports of incitement, both cases were dismissed by the prosecutor).

You will no longer go out with your opinions to the public?

TROPPER KARL: I only go outside accompanied with a lawyer.

With the attorney for the sermon in the church? ...

KARL TROPPER: One can also write something.

You have no fear of legal consequences for the church?

KARL TROPPER: What have I done wrong?
They insult minorities, fulminate against other religions. and Do not apologize?

Because you incite?

Do not you think that with such statements many churchgoers are afraid?

KARL TROPPER: All right, nobody needs to come to church.

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