Tuesday, July 16, 2013

From the blog 'CORDIALITER'

SUNDAY, JULY 14, 2013

Radical changes

A reader asked me some questions about the radical changes which have 
affected the Roman rite. Here's my answer:

Dear brother in Christ,
  for  those of us who love the traditional liturgy it
 is not a problem to actively participate in a rite in Latin and with 
long moments of apparent silence. Unfortunately, there are 
many people who would fail during the Canon of the Mass 
to be "silent" to make mental prayer and offer an oblation 
with the victim who is sacrificed in the unbloody renewal
 of the Holy Sacrifice. To spread the ancient rite there is a need
 to "educate" souls, to understand its mysterious beauty.
 In this regard, we must all work harder.

About the changes, it must be said that the Constitution 
"Sacrosanctum Concilium" on the Sacred Liturgy was 
asked to perform only the minor changes, minor touch ups.
 However, nothing happens by chance, everything happens
 by the will of God, or at least by his permissive will What has happened 
in the field of liturgy, God has not prevented in the hope of obtaining
 a greater good that we now cannot see, but that one day will fully understand .

As for the liturgical abuses that are rampant in many churches, 
I think they are a divine punishment. In the Holy Scriptures there
 are stories of serious desecration in the Temple of Jerusalem
 or other such matters. God did not want them to be committed, but not
 prevent them because he wanted to punish the Jewish people
 for their sins, and so lead them to conversion.

Sooner or later the new Maccabees arise that will release the Church 
from the plagues that afflict today. It is only a matter of time.

In Corde Regis,


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