Saturday, June 29, 2013


First liturgical reform of Pope Francis

I borrow this short brief for It seems to me likely to be of interest to all metablogueurs:
First liturgical reform of Pope Francis:

It is dated May 1, it was enacted on June 19. Now, in the Eucharistic prayers 2, 3 and 4 will be marked as "St. Joseph the husband of Mary." Recall that in the Eucharistic Prayer No. 1 as in the traditional Roman Canon this mention already exists. It was added by Pope John XXIII, at the request of the Canadian Fathers of St. Joseph in Montreal, November 13, 1962, during the First Session of the Second Vatican Council. This is a subtle way to celebrate Vatican II! And show the continuity between Francis and Benedict, since the first issued a decision making study by the second.
We remember that the enthronement of Pope Francis had occurred on the day
 of St. Joseph (March 19) and we see that this document is dated May 1. Thus
we can say that the two feasts of St. Joseph are honored in this decision of June 19.
 Who is St. Joseph? I have already spoken on this blog March 19, 2011. The Pope
defined St Joseph on March 19 as "guardian" guardian of the Virgin, guardian of
the child, the guardian of the family of Christ which is the Church. Saint Joseph
is the conservative par excellence. Like all conservatives, he invents nothing, he
 does not create or procreate anything. But he takes care.  And when he must
 leave at night to escape the totalitarian rule of Herod, he is the one awoken. It
 seems to me that our Pope identifies quite well to a conservative saint. We can
say that he watches or takes care. This is a watchman at the head of the Church
 twenty-four hours on twenty-four.  Moreover, he does not claim to trigger
 a new Pentecost alone, such as his predecessors. He strives to do the best with
 what God has given him. And as it is a little Machiavellian (in the words of
 a former ambassador to Argentina), he seeks to pass for anything but conservative,
then that is what he is. For once, I feel some of you are already furbishing your
dialectical weapons knock me out. Pay Attention to what is called "conservative."
 It all depends on what you conserve.  He keeps  "the deposit" as St. Paul says to
 Timothy. He retains what he has received from the Lord, the grace, supernatural
 truth and the sacraments which are the effective signs. He does not preserve
 the venerable frills or a way of life that has its inevitable papal rites.  He
retains, by occupation and mission what makes us live - the Gospel
of life. His conservatism is revolutionary (as noted recently, we noted here).
I can not help thinking, with respect, that this revolutionary Christian
conservatism fits like a glove a Peronist he has not ceased to be. "The first
peronist pope in the world" proudly headlined the Argentine press four months
 ago. Well maybe that's what it means "a Peronist Pope" a conservative
 revolutionary. But back to that reform: This small addition is a new way to
 express in the liturgy the importance of the cult of saints ( in the venerable
 rite that I celebrate daily is full of famous celestial friends with two lists of
apostles and martyrs: it creates links to them by name every day.) It is also a
way in our confused times , to recall the importance of the family and that the
family is not based only on sex, which is why it is recalled that Joseph is "the
 husband of Mary." This is first and foremost a how to bring the two forms of
 the Roman rite, which will hopefully one day - not too far - be brought
 together as one form.  The idea of "reform of the reform" tends toward the
 ideal ... In this regard, let me take kindly Father Aulagnier which, in Item,
insists that the Institute of the Good Shepherd defends right to "belittle the
 Novus Ordo Missae". I do not know why Father Aulagnier expresses himself
 as if he were the Institute, he can think what he wants also, but I 
think myself that, whatever our rights, we, first of all,
as Catholics, have the duty to do everything possible to bring the new rite
 to the ancient rite. It seems to me that this small addition of St. Joseph
could mean the beginning of a reform of the reform, as it signaled the
beginning of the liturgical reform when John XXIII added to Canon in 1962.
John XXIII had dared touch the Canon, so we could change it, he thought, at
 the time. Well our revolutionary conservative pope dared touch the new guns,
 leaving intact the old to reconcile them. My opinion is that we did not finish
touching the Novus Ordo Missae: not to disparage but to better appreciate
 what Pope Benedict XVI called the "continuity" of the liturgical history Church.

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