Friday, June 21, 2013


As the August 1st deadline for religious organizations to comply with the HHS mandate looms, Archbishop William Lori, Chairman of the USCCB’s Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty, recently announced, for the second year in a row, “The Catholic bishops of the United States have called for a Fortnight for Freedom in the days leading up to the Fourth of July.”
His Excellency described the fourteen day observance as “a time when we as Catholics—people who believe in the Constitution and the freedoms guaranteed by it—can come together to pray, study, and prayerfully act in support of those freedoms, most especially the freedom of religion.”
With this in mind, please join me in respectfully proposing an alternative course of action constructed upon the solid foundation of Catholic tradition and the following unshakeable convictions:
• Our FAITH is placed not in the Constitution, but in Jesus Christ, Sovereign and Lord.
• Our HOPE for freedom is expressed not by reciting Constitutional precepts, but in teaching both individuals and States to observe all things whatsoever that Our Blessed Lord commanded.
• Our LOVE for God and country is made manifest not through acts of patriotic sentimentalism, but by proclaiming the Sovereign Rights of Christ the King to all, including those in civil authority, that they may come to heel under His sweet and saving yoke.
Please add your name, email address and diocese (none of which will be published) to the prayer pledge below. On the 5th of July, we will forward the results to the USCCB – as a spiritual crown for Christ the King – making known our heartfelt desire for the sacred hierarchy to courageously call our civic leaders to account, not simply for their obligation to uphold the Constitution, but for the duty to honor and serve the Lord Jesus Christ to Whom all authority in heaven and on earth belongs.

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