Monday, May 13, 2013

Fr Ryan Erlenbush of the "New Theological Movement Blog" has some interesting thoughts about "Ascension Sunday" and other anomolies of the post-conciliar liturgical calendar....

“One of the weaknesses of the post-conciliar liturgical reform can doubtless be traced to the armchair strategy of academics, drawing up things on paper which, in fact, would presuppose years of organic growth. The most blatant example of this is the reform of the Calendar: those responsible simply did not realize how much the various annual feasts had influenced Christian people's relation to time […] they ignored a fundamental law of religious life.” 

Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, The Feast of Faith, 81-82 (published by Ignatius Press).

1 comment:

  1. Observing the Ascension of the Lord on a Sunday can scarcely be very difficult for millions of Roman Catholics who routinely celebrate the Lord's Day on Saturday afternoon (Masses of anticipation [sic]). "It's so much more convenient...."
