Monday, April 1, 2013

The Pope recognizes the martyrdom of a young seminarian killed by Communist partisans

A free translation from the Italian blog CORDIALITER

                                                        Rolando Rivi (1931 - 1945), Martyr

The Pope recognizes the martyrdom of a young seminarian killed by Communist partisans

A few days ago, Pope Francesco authorized the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to approve the decrees of 63 new Blessed, including many martyrs murdered by the Communists in Spain, but also in Hungary, Romania and Italy. Among the martyrs who will be beatified soon there is also a seminarian Rolando Rivi, killed out of hatred for the faith on April 13, 1945 at the age of 14 by a group of communist partisans.

It is a good news for all the devotees of these heroes of the faith who chose death rather than betray their divine Redeemer. It is also an indirect condemnation of the inhuman and bloody communist ideology, which still continues to claim victims. Some say that the red danger no longer exists. To them we should remember that currently about one and a half billion people still live under the heel of the followers of Marx, just think of the fierce regime of North Korea.

It should be noted that for the time being have been raised protests against Pope Francis. With other Pontiffs, when the Spanish martyrs were beatified, there were protests by the Reds, who have accused the Church of raising to the altars of the "Franco". It is absurd controversy, because in reality we know that many of the martyrs were promised release if they cursed, spat on the crucifix or denied the faith. Therefore, were not killed out of love of Generalissimo Franco, but out of hatred toward their faith in Christ, as certified by the Holy See.

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