Thursday, April 25, 2013



Interesting speech by a zealous bishop

I can not forget those moving scenes since the persecution of the Church [in Poland during communist times ed], 
when in very small rooms filled with faithful during the Holy Mass, children, elderly and sick people would kneel 
reverently receiving edifying the body of the Lord. Among the liturgical innovations in the Western world, 
especially two of them emerge in a way that obscures the visible aspect of the Eucharist on its centrality 
and sanctity, and these are: the removal of the tabernacle from the center and the distribution of Communion in the hand.
 When you remove the Eucharistic Lord, "the Lamb slain and alive", and when the central place in the distribution of 
Communion in the hand is undeniably increases the danger of dispersion of the fragments, 
the desecration and equal practice of Eucharistic bread with bread ordinary, create unfavorable conditions 
for growth in the depth of faith and devotion.  Communion in the hand is spreading and even more imposing 
as something more comfortable, like a kind of fashion. Are not primarily academic specialists, 
but the pure soul of children and simple people who could teach us the way we should treat the Eucharistic Lord.
 I would like to humbly do so the following concrete propositions: that the Holy See establishes a universal norm motivated,
 according to the official way of receiving Communion in the mouth and both his knees;
 Communion in the hand would be paid instead to the clergy. That the bishops of the places,
 where it was introduced Communion in the hand, you work with pastoral prudence to
 bring the faithful slowly to the official rite of communion, valid for all the local churches.

[Excerpt from the speech delivered on 10.04.2005 by Archbishop Jan Pawel Lenga the Synod of Bishops on the Eucharist]

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