Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Papa Francesco this morning at his daily Holy Mass at Domus Marthae Sanctae to commemorate the 86th birthday of Benedict XVI said in his homily, " The Council was a beautiful work of the Holy Spirit. Think of Pope John: he looked like a good parish priest, and he was obedient to the Holy Spirit, and he did that. But, after 50 years, have we done everything that the Holy Spirit told us in the Council? In the continuity of the growth of the Church that the Council was? No. We celebrate this anniversary, we make a monument, but do not bother. We do not want to change. And there is more: there are calls [voci, also 'voices'] wanting to move back. This is called being stubborn, this is called wanting to tame the Holy Spirit, this is called becoming fools and slow of heart." as reported by RORATE CAELI

I do not know whether it is being so much 'stubborn' or wanting to 'move back' as much as seeking clarification once and for all in the form of a "New Syllabus of Errors" as to what exactly Vatican II wishes to define as binding. As a traditionalist, I grow weary of hearing constantly that I am 'anti Vatican II'  when there is no official teaching as to what that actually means.  Is it referring to a vague, ambiguous "spirit of the council" that one hears so often about?  When Vatican II appears to be at odds with what the Church has always taught what then? As Bishop Athanasius Schneider has stated:

“In recent decades there existed, and still exist today, groupings within the Church that are perpetrating an enormous abuse of the pastoral character of the Council and its texts… Keeping in mind the now decades-long experience of interpretations that are doctrinally and pastorally mistaken and contrary to the bimillennial continuity of the doctrine and prayer of the faith, there thus arises the necessity and urgency of …  a sort of “Syllabus” of the errors in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.
“There is the need for a new Syllabus, this time directed not so much against the errors coming from outside of the Church, but against the errors circulated within the Church by supporters of the thesis of discontinuity and rupture, with its doctrinal, liturgical, and pastoral application.

“Such a Syllabus should consist of two parts: the part that points out the errors, and the positive part with proposals for clarification, completion, and doctrinal clarification.”


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